Embracing Our Doubts

As appealing as it is, finding God in all things is not always easy to do.  Living with depth is hard sometimes.  As in any walk of life we can get frustrated or discouraged on our spiritual journey.  When disoriented, we live with purpose, refocusing on our end and ultimate mission.  When distracted, we try to pay attention, taking a long, loving look at the real.  The tempted to react, we instead take time to reflect on our experience to discover it meaning.  We live the questions instead of ignoring them.  We approach Holy Mystery in fascination, not fear.  We live in depth, striving to see deeply, feel deeply, think deeply, pray deeply, and above all, love deeply.

It turns out that faith is not as hard as we tend to make it, picking on lots of demands and expectations, distracting us from the Devine.  Rather than turning faith, our encounter with Holy Mystery, into an exhausting spiritual Olympiad or obstacle course, we stand still for a moment and let God tame us, love us. We let God find us, instead of always trying to find God.  Then we open our eyes, as if for the first time, and see how close heaven is.

Excerpts from:  Seeing with Heart, by Kevin O’Brien, SJ