Parables Bible Study Starting September 8th


Dear Friends,

We are excited to announce the beginning of a new Bible study on Parables starting on Sunday, September 8th. The study will occur immediately after the church service in the Fellowship Hall.

This study will be based on the Kerygma book “Parables: Stories for Life in God’s World” by Richard Henderson.  Stephanie Pace will order copies based on the number of people who have signed up by August 29.  If you want to come and still need a copy, you can order it from

Per Dr. Henderson,  “A parable is a unique and fascinating way of communicating based on the oral tradition of Jesus’ day.  It can capture the imagination of a small child, yet it can change the life of the most hardened adult. A parable teases us with its simplicity while drawing us deeper into its meaning as we read it again and again. Jesus chose this marvelous tool as a primary way to bring us the good news.”

We will share group facilitation if Stephanie Pace is unavailable on a given Sunday. This will allow us to benefit from the insights of various members without overburdening any one of us.

Please plan to join us.  We hope to see you there!


Purchase the Book Today

Be sure to go online and purchase the Parables book if you'd like to join the study.

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