An Open Faith Community
The Episcopal Church welcomes anyone who is seeking God's love and grace. All are welcome regardless of race, culture, sexual orientation, gender identity, economic status, life situation, or doubts you may have about faith and church.
When we worship, we gather with others before God. We hear the Good News of Jesus Christ, give thanks, confess, and offer the brokenness of the world to God. As we break bread, our eyes are opened to the presence of Christ. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we are made one body, the body of Christ sent forth to live the Way of Love.
Many Different Styles
Episcopalians worship in many different styles. Some are very formal, with lots of singing, music, fancy clothes (called vestments), and incense. Other services are informal and may have contemporary music.

Book of Common Prayer
The Book of Common Prayer is a treasure chest full of devotional and teaching resources for individuals and congregations. It is also the primary symbol of our unity. We, who are many and diverse, come together in Christ through our worship, our common prayer. The first English Prayer Book was published in 1549, and the most recent revision was in 1979.

"Liturgy" is the set of public worship rituals a church follows. The Episocopal Church is called "Liturgical" because a common set of practices is found in every Episcopal Church, all around the world.