
What’s Happening At St. Matthew’s

St. Matthew's Episcopal Church
9549 Highland Drive
Brecksville, OH 44141

Brookside Meal

Specific meal is TBD. If you are able to cook, prepare or serve, please contact Marian Hahn at or text/call 216-406-2065. Serving takes about 2 hours from noon to 2 pm. Team: Please add the photo that is on the Ministries page for Outreach to this event.

Cleveland Pride March

St. Matthew's is joining many other North Eastern Ohio churches in the Cleveland Pride March on Saturday June 3. Please meet at the church at 8:45 am to carpool to...

Church Fellowship BBQ

Join us for a BBQ! Meat and drinks will be provided. Feel free to bring a side dish or a dessert to share.


Bishop’s Visit

St. Matthew's Episcopal Church | Brecksville, Ohio @ 9549 Highland Drive Brecksville, OH 44141

Girl Scouts Meeting

St. Matthew's Episcopal Church | Brecksville, Ohio @ 9549 Highland Drive Brecksville, OH 44141


Popsicle party! (last day of first quarter)